Saturday, June 2, 2007

Riding Ass in Santorini

Hey...hey now, get your filthy minds out of the gutter you sick kids. I know you think this trip is all about finding the best hookers and blow in all the countries we visit, but riding ass in santorini refers of course to riding donkeys in santorini. was awesome. We took a boat tour yesterday, and here's how that went down.

We take a bus down a cliff with the sharpest switch backs in the world, in a bus with the most reckless bus driver on the island, I mean we were up on two wheels and shit when we were goin around corners...okay that's a lie but it was an experience for sure. Then we get down to the port, and for the next hour and a half, we wait for a spot that our boat can pull in and pick up our group. But, it turns our that every ship in Greece is in this harbour!! So we waited and talked to some of the people in our group. We actually ended up spending most of the day with this Aussie couple that pretty much reminded me exactly of Mark Ghanime and his old girlfriend Kate. Funny enough the girls name was Kate, and the guy looked just like Mark. It was Bizarro world, down under version of Mark. Ha. And I know what you're thinking, Neil talking to other people...not bloody likely, but don't worry I haven't changed, it's usually the other people or John who initiate the conversations.

Okay, so were on the boat...I'm sorry ship, and we sail over to the volcano, and went for a hike up to the top. The view was amazing. The hike though, Mom, was nothing compared to our hikes, man it was a cake walk compared to a Bob's bootcamp hiking excursion in Kananaskis. The volcano was very cool though, it was an island of pretty much all black rocks. Dad, it almost got me to start talking about it all geologically, but I managed to hold back. Basalt...lots of basalt... Ah, I'm sorry I dunno what just happened I blacked out.

From there it was time to stop at another island. And here comes the biggest regret of the day, we did not get the big Kabobs full of seafood and I was choked. The reason was because we hiked up to this old traditional village, supposedly the least developed part of greece. It was crazy. Oh, the reason we didn't hit up the kabobs was because we ran out of time and had to run down the mountain.

Alright then the last stop was the part of the island we went to for sunset. This is where we rode donkeys up the big mountain. It was awesome. My donkey ran the show, and was passing other donkeys. I was a little scared that as he was passing on the inside I was a little scared that he was gonna kick me of the cliff, but my fears were unwarranted. Up there, was sooooo cool, man it was crazy bro. It was the place that all the post cards look like. Man it looked like a movie set it was nuts.

Oh, remember how I said it looked liked a movie set, ya it was. Yep, we ran right into a movie set. The sisterhood of the travelling pants part 2. Ha, apparently there making a santorini. That's so random that we should happen to run into it. But I was pumped, I got right in there taking pics of the pants girls...the gilmore girl, joan of arcadia, ugly betty, and the blond from accepted. Yeah, I probably would have hung out there all night except I figured I should watch the sunset, which was impressive to say the least, but really don't think I shoulda been staring at the sun that long...I lost at the sun stare.


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