Friday, May 25, 2007

Owned by amsterdam continued

Sorry, ran outta time last time so I'll continue. The next morning (in amsterdam) I woke up super sick, and I was through being quiet washing my face and gathering my stuff up. I was done trying to accomodate for the spanish inquisition. Then down at breakfast I got some very outstanding and hilarious news from John. Apparently at around 5 in the morning (probably an hour and a half after falling asleep in a homicidal rage) I busted out an really loud evil laugh that went on for about 5 seconds and woke everyone in the room up...but me of course. This laugh, this evil laugh was followed by two words........."Get 'em" Then I thought back and remembered I was having a cool dream where I hired Jason Statham (of Snatch, Transporter and Crank fame) (and with a full head of hair) to kill someone...obviously the spanish inquisition. Reading what I just wrote over again it seems a little heavy but it's actually pretty hilarious payback- me laughing so loud it woke all of them up - so I don't feel too bad about it.

That day we went to the van gogh museum, I ate a whole green pepper like it was an apple, John ate a bag of salad, we bought sparkling water instead of regular water which sucked cuz then we needed to buy real water, we longed eat pfaankhaaken (pancakes) at the pfaankhaaken huis but it was too expensive, walked through town and almost got hit by trams and garbage trucks (everyday in the city we're in seems to have its garbage day the day we're there), went to get grilled sandwiches but the place closed at 7pm......on a Monday! out other options were chinese food, argentinian steakhouse (there was one of these every half a block in Amsterdam, plus it was too expensive), a vegetarian falafel place (but I'd already eaten my green pepper, remember), Wok to Walk the chinese food joint (buzy as hell and too pricy (remember people we can't be blowin all our money on food in the first week)), so.....what option does that leave us with....any guesses....that's right McDonalds, where supersized = regular sized in Canada, and the guy asked me if I wanted ketchup I said sure... 35 cents later I got me some ketchup... what a sham. But the best part of the M C 's trip was what John ordered. Well what'd he order?...a Paris Royal with cheese... I know, awesome right. A paris royale is basically a big mac that's been tossed into a pita along with tomatoes. We had a laugh about that.

we figured- we're only in amsterdam once and it's 9pm so what should we do but visit the red light district once more, only this time we took a wrong turn at the end of our favorite street Leidsestraat (which sounds like the greek character Lysistrata, which is why I remembered it) and we ended up lost in amsterdam at night... Don't worry it was only for like half an hour til we found our way back, but this time we were just happy we made it to the red light district. Walked around got caught in a dead end alley in the district but got the hell outta there quick. We figured we pushed our luck for tonight so we headed back to the hostel, stopping briefly to look at the public displays at Mme Tussaud's wax museum, saw one of Jenna Jamieson and one of Johnny depp, they were so good I started to wig out. back to the hostel. Off to germany...

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