Friday, May 18, 2007

London Punches back with Blood and Tears

As the streets emptied and the darkness flooded the back alleys of London, we followed a local expert on the evils of London. From Grave-Robbers to Jack the Ripper, Declan McHugh creeped the hell out of us as he guided us passed the sights of London's dark history. He also shared some more recent tales with us, about tourist that disappeared...

We're camping out at the Cranley Gardens Hotel in the South Kensington part of London. After exploring the surrounding streets Neil and I have decided that Kensington and Chelsea is the place to be, with nice flats, spacious 'gardens' and great shops and pubs (the Stanhope Arms dishes out a great round of Fish and Chips with their pints).

At all the intersections pedestrians at greeted with a 'Look Left' or a 'Look Right'. This may sound ridiculous, but it has saved my life a dozen times.

Today we fought our way passed thousands of tourists and hit all the top postcard shots. While doing so we also picked up a bit of a sunburn (in London? I know, strange!). Big Ben is, well, Big, the Parliament building was four wall of picturesque architecture, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Tate Britain, and Trafalgar square kept us busy for hours.

The trip has punched back hard with Jet Leg. Neil and I stayed up for over thirty hours before hitting the sack last night, only sleep for four or five hours and suddenly run into insomnia. But this is the only way to go; there is too much to see in London. Every street is different from the last, and the 'character' of the city is without comparison.

Tomorrow we are heading across to Amsterdam to continue the adventure. So far our 2 days away from home have felt like a week (definitely a little homesick, but also lost in London's endless world of exploration. This is the Amazing Race with a shot of Epinephrine...

(our pictures are too out of control to post, the computer will have no part of "Webbs meet London"... we'll have some new shots in the next few days)